Monday, December 22

Baby Mania Notification #1

I am pregnant with a daughter who is due to be born on January 31, 2009. Right now, she's fully developed and building up her fat stores to prepare for delivery. I'm trying to avoid building up my own, as I need to be flexible and strong during delivery.

Right now, she's kneeing me in the belly. She's perfectly positioned so as not to cause any major discomfort. There are no elbows in the ribs or head on the bladder. She's already a very good little girl, if she's a bit shy. Whenever another puts a hand to my belly, she stops moving. The doctors sometimes find it difficult to find her heartbeat, as she moves away from the press of the Doppler device. Has she inherited her father's meekness?

I've added a poll at the bottom of the page for you to weigh in on my due date. When do you think the baby will be born? Vote on a week (going past the due date is NOT an option) and give your exact prediction in your comments.


  1. I voted for the week of the 31st, specifically having her on January 26th. That's the full moon and it happened to me!

  2. Thanks for weighing in, Katy! As always, Tucker is A-dorable! I'm kinda pulling for the 26th too, but the way I'm feeling now, I would gladly go into labor today.
